what is the definition of share market:
A market in which securities are bought and sold is called stock market or stock exchange .
History of share market in india:
The Bombay exchange was founded
by Premchand Roychand. He was the one of influential businessmen in 19 century Bombay. Premchand Roychand man who made fortune in the stock brocking business . Premchand Roychand was also founder of the native share and stock Brockers Association, an institution that is now know as the BSE ( Bombay stock Exchange ).
The Bombay stock Exchange the oldest stock Exchange in india . It's history dates back to 1855, when 22 stock brokers would gather under banyan tree in front of mumbai's Town Hall. The location of these meetings changed many times to accommodate an increasing number of the brockers .
On August 31,1957, the BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) became the first stock exchange to be recognized by the Indian Government under securities contract Regulation Act. In 1980, the exchange movedto the Phiroze Jeejebhoy Towers at Dalal street , Fort area. In 1986,it developed S&P BSE SENSEX index, giving the BSE means to measure the overall performance of the exchange .
I hope this article is very helpful for how Indian stock market established .
Thank you .